About Glass Stock
Deb Crowley is the founder and director of Glass Stock. Deb has been a professional artist for over 40 years, and 35 years of that in glass. She has extensive glass experience that includes blown, flameworked, fused, etched and sandblasted glass techniques. She also creates all types of cold worked glass including stained and faceted. She has gained a wealth of glass knowledge over the years, you will see many of these techniques throughout her artwork. After teaching nationwide for over 35 years, Deb’s passion for passing on the glass arts has poured into her Glass Stock festival. Many life changing moments have happened there over 2 decades! It is a nurturing, creative space for you and your muse!
This event was created to bring together renown glass artists, teachers, and students to master a variety of glass techniques. Glass Stock is now entering it’s 22nd year, allowing artists to teach, share, learn new glass techniques, and get invaluable feedback and inspiration. The festival is held on the West Coast the week before Labor Day every year, so stay tuned here to learn more and sign up today. Our mission statement “Share like there’s no tomorrow,” inspiration is priceless.
Glass Stock 2024 Class Schedule- Scroll to bottom of page
Borosilicate Glass Torch Classes~
EW-01- Elizabeth Welch- Diving Orca Pendants
Skill Level- Beg
Learn to create Diving Orca pendants, a great beginning exercise in sculpture!
Tools Needed: Tweezers and mini-mashers or flat tweezers
EW-02- Elizabeth Welch- Pouncing Fox Pendants
Skill level- INT +
Take your sculpting skills a little further with this fun fox class! Let's give him some attitude too!
Tools Needed: Tweezers, Mini-mashers, paddle or butter knife, scalpel, brass punch tool
EW-03- Elizabeth Welch- Octopus Pendants
Skill Level- Intermediate
Learn to sculpt some popular octopus pendants!
Tools Needed: Tweezers, Mini-mashers, paddle or butter knife, scalpel, brass punch tool
EE-01 Eric Edner- Flower Pendants
Skill level: Beginner/Intermediate
Students will learn how to prep, color and put together a flower hot on the torch. Starting with the making of the pedals applying colors and fades and finally assembly!
Tools Needed: Pair of tweezers, mashers, carbon flaring tool, scissors and a go for it attitude!
EE-02 Eric Edner- Small Vessel
Skill level: Intermediate
Students will learn how to approach tubing via prepping the tube. We will discuss shape and approach to shaping. Then finally color applications for desired effects. Ideally students have some experience with tubing but not necessary
Tools Needed: Pair of tweezers, mashers, carbon flaring tool, scissors and a go for it attitude!
EJ-01 Emily Johnsen- Little Monster Sculptures
Skill Level: INT
In this class you will learn how to sculpt one-of-a-kind miniature monster sculptures in borosilicate glass. I will demonstrate a variety of techniques for eyes, horns, teeth, and surface textures that will leave you ready to create some cute and creepy new friends!
Tools: Non-serrated knife, tweezers, pick, reamer, bowl push, scissors, graphite paddle. Any brass stamps or texturing tools are also welcome.
DM-01 Drake Masuda- Aquatic Flora/Fauna Blood Red Jewell Cichlid
Skill Level: INT
Students will create 3D fish and plant sculptures in borosilicate glass. Sculpting tools and techniques will be covered as well as the use of photos/source materials to study anatomy and posture. We'll explore color layering to achieve desired shade and depth of color.
Tools: small knife, paddle, small tweezers/needlenose pliers, leaf mashers, any other sculpting/marking tools you like
DM-02 Drake Masuda- Cups and Feet
Skill Level: INT-Adv
In this class students will learn to make borosilicate cups and flare feet to make a goblet with their own stem at open torch.
Tools: Paddle, claw (grabbers) graphite rod/reamer to flare, tweezers
DM-03 Drake Masuda- Glass Chains
Skill Level: Beg
Students will create linked chains in borosilicate glass. Sculpting tools and techniques will be covered with an emphasis on proportion and uniformity.
Tools: forceps (2 pair preferably), small reamer, paddle and/or mashers, ruler or tape measure, Sharpie
JB-01 Joshua Beach- Nebula marbles
Skill Level- Beg
Join me in creating a colorful space themed marble design. We'll compress several colors, at varying depths, while slightly mixing them in the process. Our marbles will change colors throughout the nebula's depth and show unseen hues at new angles. We'll also recreate the same effect with UV colors.
Tools: Ridge less marble mold, Mike Close or similar, small handled marble mold or marble grippers, paddle
JB-02 Joshua Beach-Sea Turtle in Flowing Grasses
Skill Level- INT
Lets create an underwater scene in glass. We'll taper down flat colored rods to create multiple sizes of flowing sea grasses. The centerpiece for our creation will be a cute sea turtle decorated in fantastic striking colors. We may even have time to add some simple brain corals to compliment the base of our sculptures.
Tools: Graphite pad, Paddle, mini-mashers, large mashers, tweezers, long tweezers/hemostats/hot grabbers to get your work to the kiln
dc-01 deb crowley- Nudibranchs and Fire Coral
Skill Level- INT
Tools: Graphite pad, Paddle, tweezers, small shears, small reamer, mini-mashers
Soft Glass Torch Classes~
ML-01 Marcy Lamberson-Make Your Dog!
Skill Level- INT
This is a fun one! I'll demo how to make a dog body, fur and the how-tos and then you have the option to make what I demo or bring in your own pet photos and we'll make a plan of action for you to try your own pet. If you need very specific colors, you might bring a rod or two just in case the glass assortment doesn't have the exact one.
Tools: didys, marver, pokey tool, mashers (med or small will be fine), tweezers and whatever you use for pulling small canes a razor or sharpish blade. If you have concave/convex pliers - that tool I use for ears and petals, bring it and if you have a slotted paddle like I use or equivalent, bring that too.
ML-02 Marcy Lamberson- Make a Gnome and Viking
Skill Level- INT
Same colors, two options and if you're really fast, make both! I'll demo how to make a gnome and viking out of the same colors and very similar steps. It's all in the small details that change them from sweet old guy to slightly scalawag.
Tools: didys, marver, pokey tool, mashers (med or small will be fine), tweezers and whatever you use for pulling small canes a razor or sharpish blade. If you have concave/convex pliers - that tool I use for ears and petals, bring it and if you have a slotted paddle like I use or equivalent, bring that too.
ML-03 Marcy Lamberson- Make an Otter with baby
Skill Level- INT
Who hasn't seen photos of mama otters with their babies? We'll make a cute sculptural bead starring both of them.
Tools: didys, marver, pokey tool, mashers (med or small will be fine), tweezers and whatever you use for pulling small canes and a razor or sharpish blade.
FW-01 Felicia Wartnik- Soft Glass Enamel Beads-
Skill Level- BEG/INT
We’ll make beads with COE 104 glass and Thompson Enamels. This class will focus on how to use powder enamels safely, how to obtain different effects with enamels and creation of surface designs with texture tools and without burning the enamels. We will cover application of enamel powder both by rolling or patting the beads into the enamel and with the use of a sifter.
Tools: Bring your favorite beadmaking and shaping tools including your favorite focal-sized press or masher tool, a razor blade or straight edge tool for straightening stringer lines, marver, tweezers or pliers, lampworking glasses
DP-01 Donna Prunkard- Soft Glass Hollow beads
Skill Level- INT
Learn to blow hollow beads off the end of a blow pipe. We will explore several ways to decorate the hollows, including frit, dots, and scrollwork.
Tools needed: Basic flame working tools. Mashers or hand-held lentil press. 1/4 inch blowpipes will be provided for use in class. If you have tongs with sleeves, bring them.
DP-02 Donna Prunkard- Soft Glass Headpins
Skill Level- BEG/INT
Make soft glass headpins on copper wire. We’ll start with a teardrop shape and decorate with scrolls, dots and twisted cane, then play with different shapes, maybe leaves, flowers, cubes.
Tools needed: Basic flame working tools. Bring a pin vise that will hold a 20g wire is you have one. Instructor will have a few to loan. Small mashers might be useful.
Flameworking Demo Only Classes
EE-03/04 Eric Edner- Floral Spray and Vase DEMO- 2 parts
I’ll be creating on of my signature orchid spray with vase in a full day demo
DM-04 Drake Masuda-Goblet Stems & Assembly
I will demo making a goblet stem and then assembling cup and foot made in that class.
JB-03 Joshua Beach- Glass Flower DEMO on functional ware
Learn to construct an elegant flower with layers of curved petals. I'll use these flowers as decorative elements of sculpture and smokeware
EJ-01 Emily Johnsen- Celestial Sun Pendants DEMO
Learn how to sculpt celestial face pendants in borosilicate class! This pendant can be made as either a sun or a combination sun and crescent moon.
"Other" classes- Fusing, Metals, Enameling, etc
FW-02 Felicia Wartnik- Riveted Rings
I’ll bring the silver. You bring the bead! You’ll make a sterling silver ring shank (hammered or smooth), solder on a piece of wire or tubing, punch and dome a disk and then rivet the wire or tubing to attach your soft glass or borosilicate bead.
Students should bring the following:
Beads – large spacer or slightly larger (1/2” - 3/4” diameter). I recommend bringing a few to choose from. Beads must be made on 3/32” or 1/8” mandrels (1/8 preferred if you want to use tubing) and must be properly annealed, because we’ll be putting some stress on them. I will have a few beads available for purchase, if you want to make a ring but aren’t a bead maker.
It is also recommended, but not required, that students bring any of the following they have. I’ll also bring tools that you may share, but there will be less waiting time if we have more tools:
Ring Mandrel
Rawhide or Plastic Mallet
Ring Clamp
Riveting Hammer
Half round file or set of mini files
Chain Nose (2 if you have them)
Approximate Cost Per Person: $20 (additional $8-10 if you want to purchase a bead)
KP-01- Kathy Palenko Copper Earrings with embossed designs
Copper earrings with a rolling mill. Make 2 pairs for 10.00 kit fee
KP-02- Kathy Palenko Copper Bangle Bracelets
Learn to make bangles bracelets. 3 for 10.00 kit fee.
KB-01- Kris Ball Kumihimo
Come learn to make Kumihimo bracelets or necklaces! No experience necessary. There are many patterns and colors to choose from and all the materials will be provided. We will weave the items and learn ways to finish them off nicely. Cost is $15 and you'll get a Kumihimo wheel and bobbins to make more at home.
CJ-01 CJ Quitoriano Second Time's a (Wind) Chime
Learn to make wind chimes out of scrap boro rods and tubes.
Tools needed: Jewelry tools: wire cutters, pliers, bead crimpers-bring extra beads (seed beads, faux pearls, shells, etc.) for decorating the chimes or make them during free torch time.
Material Fee: $5
BF-01- Brenda Flowers Viking Knit Wire Weaving
Viking knit, also known as trichinopoly or Viking chain knitting, is an ancient wire weaving technique to makes beautiful chains you can use in your jewelry projects. In this class, you'll learn how to create these flexible chains using wire and a wood dowel and drawplate. We will explore variations such as double weaves and bead filled chains using seed beads.
Class kit : $15 includes 26 g copper wire, dowel, seed beads and a commercial wooden drawplate.
BM-01- Barbara McNeeley Etching Plate Glass with Stencils
In this class we will be applying stencils to pre-cut 4" plate glass squares, then adding an etching cream to etch in a design. PLEASE wear work typre clothes or bring an apron.
Butterfly is an example, we will have other stencils for use, kits donated by B&B Etch All. NO kit fee.
Dc-01-02 deb crowley & Didi Dahlsrud Copper Foil Stained Glass
(This is a full day class on SATURDAY for attendees and Sunday only for staff)
In this class you will complete a copper foil project. Learn to cut, grind, foil, solder and edge a circular 8" suncatcher in a 2 part (full day) class. All supplies and use of tools included in "kit fee". Please wear clothes you can work in as we will be using flux and patina which can damage fabric. OR bring an apron or spare T-shirt you can remove when done with class.
Kit Fee- $20 Payable at class (Tools provided for your use)
2024 Class Schedule
Thursday Aug 29th, 9-1pm
Class/Instructor Class ID# Table # Torch Type FULL
Goblet Cups & Feet with Drake Masuda CLASS #DM-02 1 Bravo
Diving Orca Pendants with Elizabeth Welch CLASS #EW-01 2 Alpha
Make Your Dog with Marcy Lamberson (Soft glass) CLASS #ML-01 3 Alpha
Celestial Sun Pendant w/ Emily Johnsen DEMO ONLY CLASS #EJ-02 DEMO Area
Rolled Copper Earrings with Kathy Palenko CLASS #KP-01 4 Area 1
Kumihimo Cords with Kris Ball CLASS #KB-01 5 Area 2
Thursday Aug 29th, 2-6pm
Class/Instructor Class ID# Table # Torch Type FULL
Small Vessels with Eric Edner CLASS #EE-02 1 Bravo
Nudibranchs & Fire Coral with deb crowley CLASS #dc-01 2 Alpha
Soft Glass Hollows with Donna Prunkard CLASS #DP-01 3 Alpha
Goblet Stem&Assembly w/ Drake Masuda DEMO ONLY CLASS #DM-04 DEMO Area
Copper Bangle Bracelets with Kathy Palenko CLASS #KP-02 4 Area 1
Friday, Aug 30th, 9-1pm
Class/Instructor Class ID# Table # Torch Type FULL
Sea Turtles and Grass with Joshua Beach CLASS #JB-02 1 Bravo
Pouncing Fox Pendant with Elizabeth Welch CLASS #EW-02 2 Alpha
Boro Chains with Drake Masuda CLASS #DM-03 3 Alpha
Riveted Rings with Felicia Wartnik CLASS #FW-02 4 Area 1
Viking Knit with Brenda Flowers CLASS #BF-01 5 Area 2
Friday, Aug 30th, 2-6pm
Class/Instructor Class ID# Table # Torch Type FULL
Red Jewel Cichlid & Plant with Drake Masuda CLASS #DM-01 1 Bravo
Orchid Flower Pendants with Eric Edner CLASS #EE-01 2 Alpha
Soft Glass Otter & Baby with Marcy Lamberson CLASS #ML-03 3 Alpha
Flower Functional with Joshua Beach DEMO ONLY CLASS #JB-03 DEMO Area
Glass & Media Wind Chimes with CJ Quitoriano CLASS #CJ-01 4 Area 1
Saturday, Aug 31st, 9-1pm
Class/Instructor Class ID# Table # Torch Type FULL
Little Monsters with Emily Johnsen CLASS #EJ-01 1 Bravo
Octopus Pendants with Elizabeth Welch CLASS #EW-03 2 Alpha
Soft Glass Headpins with Donna Prunkard CLASS #DP-02 3 Alpha
Floral Spray with Eric Edner (Part 1) DEMO ONLY CLASS #EE-03 DEMO Area
Stained Glass Sun Catchers with Didi & deb Part 1 CLASS #Dc-01 Area 1
Etching Plate Glass with Barbara McNeeley CLASS #BM-01 Area 2
Saturday, Aug 31st, 2-6pm
Class/Instructor Class ID# Table # Torch Type FULL
Nebula Marbles with Joshua Beach CLASS #JB-01 1 Bravo
Soft Glass Enamel Beads with Felicia Wartnik CLASS #FW-01 2 Alpha
Soft Glass Gnome & Viking with Marcy Lamberson CLASS #ML-02 3 Alpha
Floral Spray with Eric Edner (Part 2) DEMO ONLY CLASS #EE-04 DEMO Area
Stained Glass Sun Catchers with Didi & deb Part 2 CLASS #Dc-01 Area 1
Evening Activities & Demonstrations
Thursday Night
Silent Auction-Open torch
Friday Night
Hat Contest- Open torch
Saturday Night
Open Torch until midnight!
9-5 STAFF ONLY~ All day Stained Glass Suncatcher class with Didi and deb
9 am Demo Items Draw
10-12 pm Elimination Rounds Contest
Pick up last items from 10am to noon
Email us through our Contact page.