DVDs Available
Fish 101 DVD
Presenting the deb crowley’s new video DVD training! It is titled Fish 101 and I show you how to make 3 Soft Glass fish and a bonus manatee bead. It is just short of 2 hours in a DVD menu format so you can start it at any project you like! It is my first attempt at video taping, learning all this new (and exciting) video software, editing and producing. In order to keep the price affordable, I am producing these myself and only selling them directly.

Fish 201 DVD
Building on basics from Fish 101, we dive right in to realistic marine fish glass beads. We will again be using soft Italian Moretti glass to sculpt a bright yellow tang, a "wearable" Pork fish with his stripes and face overlay and then finally to the dramatic black and white striped Spotted Drum fish! These fish can be created easily with Bullseye or even with borosilicate glass!

Shells 101 DVD
This DVD covers all 3 shells featured on the cover in DVD format so you can click on any project easily. We recommend that you watch the whole DVD as the skill level increases with each shell. Information and steps to complete each project are covered as we go, you will be amazed at how easy it really is to blow tubing once you get that first great bubble and shell! They get easier and more fun as you go, so get this DVD, a couple medium and heavy wall 12mm and 18 mm tubes and have a go at it, you won’t be looking back!

Crossover 101 DVD-Flamework for Fusing
Crossover 101 shows how to easily make individual components in a flame for making realistic scenes on fused and furnace glass. All the details on the glass chimes top were made on the torch in under 4 hours and edited down to 2! This DVD goes through making all of them, plus firing schedule and tips. Get this DVD and make your glass fusing fun again even using scrap glass you already have!

These DVDs are $40 each, Priority shipping/insured is $9, up to 4 shipped for that price. Pay with Paypal as “goods” to 4debcrowley@gmail.com and in note section put which DVDs (ie:SHELLS 101, Fish 101, etc). Please send as GOODS so I can print the shipping label right off Paypal!
I am hoping to produce many more with increasing skill levels and new projects, so as you all learn to conquer these projects I will get better at these videos. It sure was an amazing journey to get here today, I learned a lot, love what I do more and more and hope you’ll join me by ordering one of my DVDs soon!
Love, light and keep your flame bright!